Sunday 24 January 2010

2.0 Furniture we can't go without

Wrap Dining Chair

2x2 Day Bed

These new pieces from West Elm are really doing it for me. It's been a seriously long time since they've used any creativity... glad they're making a comeback

Now Hiring

Are you un- or under-employed? This new section will explore a few noteworthy causes that are screaming your name. Pick one and go with it... someone has to!

WANTED Advocate for DC parks and public spaces

DC's public spaces have long been neglected. If Pierre L'Enfant new what the modern day US government has done with his fair city he'd be rolling over in his grave. Take truxton circle for example. Once a beautifully manicured landscape this circle has been paved over and turned into an awful intersection.

Check out Left for LeDroits article on Truxton Circle here.

1.9 Noodle Park

Italian fashion label Noodle Park is HOT.

Check them out at

Friday 15 August 2008

Nothing corners like a MINI

Picture it:
The Washington D.C. City Paper, February 11th, 2005.

Miles, I miss you.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

1.7 The girl from ipanema is hot.

"Budweiser is ours" from Brazil's biggest publication Veja

Watch as America loses it's biggest brewery to Brazilian mega-beverage empire InBev. Suckers!

Wednesday 11 June 2008

1.6 I saw my life flash before my eyes

...not quite, but I did walk exactly where this chimney collapsed a couple of hours before it would have killed me. Photo taken at the corner of R and New Hampshire, NW. 


Thursday 27 March 2008

1.5 Safety is fun

Watch these and let them marinate for a bit...

Why is it that passengers flying delta seem to be getting more sexual advances than me?